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Things only Boerbeol moms will understand....

  1. The freedom of being able to walk down a dark alley at night and feel no fear. The ability to loiter in parking lots, sit on the beach at night and stargaze, or sleep without fear of intruders. Boerboels can flip from Teddybear to Hyperalert Protection Mode in literal seconds. If he senses danger, his ears will prick up, his forehead will wrinkle, and he will swing his head, scanning for a percieved threat to your safety. Left. Center. Right.

  1. The struggle of trying to bring a guy home, whilst explaining to a dissapointed boerboel that "NO, you are noT allowed to EAT THIS GUEST". The Boerboel jealousy is so real, though. Samir is okay with me bringing a guy over, and will be playful, friendly and even enjoy pets and cuddles from said guy, lets call him Bryan. BUT... rest assured that the moment Bryan touches me, holds my hand, or leans in for a Boerbeol will be up in a flash. Samir will leap up and position himself between me and the man. He will then watch me closely for further instructions. If Sami the Boerbeol is veryyyy concerned, he may grab onto an item of clothing of the man. He may also jump up and position his body over Brian's. When I invite guest over, I remind them to ignore my dog and not touch me for the first 20 minutes of their stay. My boerboel is still learing to trust my judgement about who I do or do not invite into the home.

  2. The way people would rather leap into oncoming traffic than share pavement space with a Boerboel. Crowds part. People ocassionally scream when Samir gives them an inquisitive nuzzle as he walks past.

  3. The "Melting Boerboel Phenomena". In times of extreme hapiness, Samir will lean on me, and then eventually melt theatrically onto the ground, enticing me to come and cuddle him.

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